
My name is Anthony, and I created this blog.  Having grown up as a Navy brat and having lived in various beach towns, I developed a fondness for the t-shirts of local beach town surf shops.  Printed with surf shop logos and/or surfing-themed graphic designs, surf shop t-shirts typically appeal to surfers and surf fans because they give them a way to take pride in surfing and surf culture.  But they are also popular with locals and tourists because they allow them to identify with a larger beach lifestyle.  I like surf shop t-shirts both as a surf fan and former beach town local.

I also like to take road trips, especially to visit beach towns to watch surf competitions, do some shore fishing, or just sit on the beach and drink beer.  On one of my trips, I noticed a series of surf shops on a single road I was traveling on.  It was on this trip that I came up with the idea for this blog.  Why not mix two of my favorite things--surf shop t-shirts and road trips?  So I decided that on every road trip I took to a beach town I would stop by the local surf shops and check out their t-shirts.  Primarily, I want to let the rest of the country know where they can get some of the coolest t-shirts in America. But I also want to tell the stories of local surf shops and give an overview of the merchandise and services they offer.

Currently, I live and work in Las Vegas, NV.  Though I no longer live in a beach town, I still love to take road trips to visit them.  Because I live in Las Vegas, most of the beach towns (and therefore the surf shops) I visit will be on the West Coast.  Occasionally, I'll make it out to the East Coast.  When not on a road trip, I like to play poker, hike Southern Nevada trails, and read books.


I do not receive any monetary compensation for paid reviews from the surf shops profiled on this blog.  I will accept free t-shirts if offered, but my opinions of the surf shops and the surf shop t-shirts presented here are not part of any quid pro quo.  This blog, however, does attempt to raise gas and beer money through advertising and affiliate programs, which may include participation by the surf shops featured here, but only after they have been objectively reviewed.


I personally do not collect any personally identifiable information from visitors to this blog.  I do have access to aggregate and anonymous information through Blogger and Google Analytics, but that's about it.  Google, ad networks, and the NSA may be collecting information about you, but you'll have to take up any objections with them.


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